Monday, November 21, 2005

Go Eagles!

I don't know what it is. Maybe it is because when I was in high school, I went to a little private school and we didn't have it and I always wanted to be able to do it. Maybe it is because my girlfriend is just at tad obsessed with it. Or maybe there is just nothing else to do in Abilene. I love High School Football! There is nothing like it, especially in West Texas. The mighty Abilene High Eagles are on the road to the state championship this year, and Amanda and I are trying to catch every minute of it. Too bad we hear it all too...
A couple of weeks ago, we were at the first playoff game against the Mighty Weatherford Kangaroos. Now the game was of little consequence since the Eagles won like a billion to 7, but the half time festivities proved to be a bit entertaining.
Every game, during halftime the "Oldest Marching Band in Texas" goes out to pump up the crowd. As they play, a myriad of dancers, twirlers and cheerleaders perform as well.
Now, I have always been told that if there is ever a microphone in front of you, be very careful. You don't want to say anything that would get you in trouble. I guess Abilene High's play by play announcer has never heard that old proverb...
We were standing with some friends of ours who were listening to the game on the radio as they watched it in the stands (I told you high school football is a big deal here!). Rebecca, the lady who was listening in during the half time show said "David, you gotta listen to this, these guys thought that they have gone to commercial, but they are still broadcasting!"
10 seconds after I put one of her earbuds in my ear, I hear the following however the names have been changed to protect the innocent
Earl, get back in here! You gotta see this! Donnie Smith's daughter Erin is down on the field. She's one of them Eaglette Dancers or something. She looks like a cow trying to graze on the Astroturf!"
As I bent over into a hysterical convulsion, Rebecca reminded me how not funny that was and how I should go tell them that they were still on the air.

- "How would you feel David, if he would have said your first and last name and then the the name of your baby girl!"

I am a grown up -I'd forgotten for a second

After I run up to the booth and tell these guys that they had just showed the world that they were no more mature than the middle schoolers sitting just below them in the stands, their eyes became the size of saucers and the play by play annoucer struggled to get the words out of the microphone: "And We're Back..."


You would think that they would have learned their lesson, but...
5 minutes later, they try to go to commercial again. As they imagine that some guy named Johnny was trying to sell Vacuums over the airwaves, we all hear:
"Who the heck was that black guy that came up here and told us that we were still on the air, huh?...
I guess I'm famous now in West Texas

Corey I bet you're glad that your play by play went as well as it did!!!


At 11/21/2005 8:51 PM, Blogger Deana Nall said...

Oh...I'm SO bad about laughing at the wrong things at the wrong time. I need to start listening to the Eagle games.

At 11/22/2005 11:02 AM, Blogger Katey said...

David- I'm so glad you get to go to all the games and cheer on my high school team! I've missed doing that this year. Those announcers have been known to say extremely inappropriate things... gotta love West TX. W/ my little bro on the team this year- my fam has been at all of the games, and I'll be in Waco this weekend too, cheering for the Warbirds.


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